About Us

Welcome to Vaultera.co, formerly known as ChannexPCI.com. Our journey began with a quest for a secure, rapid, and cost-effective solution at Channex.io. Faced with the challenge of processing millions of bookings while safeguarding card details, we found existing providers burdened with transaction fees. This complexity hindered our ability to offer transparent pricing, as we couldn't control PCI costs.

Driven by the need for simplicity and affordability, we developed the PCI service, now evolved into Vaultera.co. Our platform not only meets but surpasses the minimum PCI DSS specifications, providing a scalable and open solution. Recognizing the shared requirements of our tech partners, we designed Vaultera.co with versatility and security at its core.

At Vaultera.co, we remain committed to delivering innovative, reliable, and secure solutions for your payment processing needs. Join us as we continue redefining PCI compliance standards in an ever-evolving digital landscape.